- Restaurants
- Cafeterias
- Lunch rooms
- Hotels
Chef instructors are responsible for planning the menus and preparing food for the customers. As a chef instructor you are required to handle multiple tasks as well as instruct juniors on the art of preparing food. The specific duties and responsibilities of chef instructor jobs vary according to the type of the establishment and its size.
A chef instructor job embodies taking care of the food and meals that are prepared and this is the person who can turn food into art. The description of this job profile includes being skilled as well as inventive with the needs of the hotel or restaurant. This is a person who can turn a delicious meal into an artistic presentation. In fact, it actually takes years to be successful in this field. A lot of restaurants have a couple of short order chef instructors who make fast food. Other restaurants have chef instructors who focus on dish washing, kitchen helpers etc. The cooks are instructed into performing well by the chef instructor who is assisted by the kitchen helpers. Some of the variations of the job profile are:
- Pastry chefs
- Fry cooks
- Roast cooks
- Vegetable cooks
- Soup cooks
The chef instructor jobs need the instructor to have a good deal of knowledge and experience in working with food. The minimum requirement is a high school education as well as an on the job training. Most of the courses for chef instructors run between couple of months to a couple of years, and a lot of employees look for the chef instructors who are qualified with a diploma in cooking. While a chef instructor can start as cooks, there are the others who go for a restaurant experience and learn from and observe the experienced chef instructors.
The average skill sets of a chef instructor job are to be an expert in supervision of the duties and tasks that are required to be performed in the kitchen. Other than being healthy, neat, and clean, they must be skilled to order the different kinds of food that are to be purchased within an estimated budget. The person is also required to have mathematical aptitude for this reason.
Cooking programs and chef instructor training courses can be obtained in the following places:
- High schools
- Vocational or technical schools
- 2 year and 4 year colleges
- Adult education programs
- Armed services
Experience in chef instructor jobs always helps as it helps you gain knowledge in the cooking as well as non cooking positions. Feeling the situations like being on your feet for longer hours is something that you start getting used to. Your guidance counselor may also help you with various programs and courses in your community for the chef instructor jobs. In order to be successful as a chef instructor in an urban locale, you need to have hands on experience as well as formal training. Experience also helps determine the type of chef instruction you are interested in.
The employment outlook for the chef instructors is good since the global career prospects are likely to increase faster for the F & B instructors through the year 2014. Job openings will replace workers who retire or shift jobs, which are expected to be highly competitive. While dining out continues to grow in America with the rise in population, higher average incomes and leisure time, this is a positive note for the chef instructor job.
The salaries of the chef instructor jobs depend on the skill sets, type and location of the food service industry. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics has estimated that the median hourly income of the chef instructors is $15 in 2004, although the head chef instructors made more than twice that amount.
The wages of the chef instructor jobs are also accompanied by benefits, some of which include paid holidays and vacations, as well as health insurance. The chef instructors also receive free meals when they are at work. Working under pressure during peak hours is a must for the chef instructor job.