Top chef jobs are rare and many vacancies are simply filled by referral and word of mouth. So finding out about jobs for chef and catering professionals is quite a difficult task. It requires careful planning and research in order to stand a reasonable chance of being selected for an interview and hopefully winning the job.
Tip #1
If a web site charges employers to advertise their vacancies, the listings will be restricted because not every employer will be prepared to pay for the service. You should avoid these sites.
Even though individual users get free access, this simply results in too few vacancies being chased by a relatively large number of candidates!
Even if you are offered the job, do not expect a competitive salary and benefit package to be offered by the employer as they can always offer the position to one of the candidates behind you if you refuse.
Tip #2
Check out a web site and resources you are using by checking for a physical mailing address and a landline telephone number within the United States and if they do not have these two basic business essentials then avoid using the service!
Tip #3
Your resume is the most powerful tool you have for presenting yourself to employers and you should pay careful attention to how you prepare the document and also how you use it.
You should adapt your resume to highlight the skills and experience you have which are relevant to what the employer is looking for. This is simply positioning yourself through your resume in such a light that the employer can readily see you have the skills and experience they are looking for. This is simple marketing and you do not want an employer having to go digging through your resume to find it when they have a dozen other resumes to look at.
Tip #4
Don't be afraid to reach higher with your chef job USA search!.
Take a few vacancies you feel are slightly above your level. Send in your resume and see what happens as you may be surprised at the response. And if you are called for interview do not be afraid to step up to the plate and pitch for the job.
Look at this, as an opportunity to establish your career path and you will be able to see where you are on the career curve. This can get you the best pay and benefits package from an employer as well as helping you develop your career.
Tip #5
You must control your resume and make sure it is secure. Because, if an identity thief was to get hold of this document they could copy your private and personal information which is so well organized and laid out.
You must have the ability to control where your resume is sent as some agencies and services will simply mass mail your resume out to an employer mailing list in the hope that someone will pick you up and the agent will get a commission.
There is little concern whether you and the employer are a good fit, no concern whether you have been offered a good deal financially and no worry over whether you are really happy with the position.
Tip #6
Register for message boards and forums which are used by headhunters, employers and industry professionals as you can get a feel for what is happening in the industry as well as what is happening with hiring and firing. Why not blog about your current job and demonstrate your knowledge and skills? You may become popular as the public at large are interested in cooking and food.
This is of course, completely free!
Tip #7
Arrive for an interview punctually and dress appropriately for the occasion – if you are not sure ask as this could get you in front of some of your competitors.
Tip #8
Do your homework and prepare properly for your interview as this will help you to get through. Interviewers do come to know whether a candidate has actually done some research or not and this is an easy way to look professional and motivated to an employer. More than this, preparation will help you with your own confidence and this too will be apparent to an interviewer.
Tip #9
Many of the top chefs you know of today had started with very humble beginnings but they used the opportunities they did have to build up their career.
Seize every opportunity to work in the catering industry and build up your own experience. You will find that the harder you work in the industry the luckier you are going to get; the more networking and visible you become, greater are the opportunities that are likely to be put your way.
Tip #10
Finally – be confident, be assured, be positive!